viernes, 28 de junio de 2019

¡Que el trabajo de otros te motive a hacer el tuyo, mejor!

"A la gente no le interesa tu vida, le interesa resolver sus problemas"


Esa frase fue el parteaguas que me ayudó a enfocar el propósito para construir adecuadamente mi online blog. Lo leí en el artículo que publicó Antonio G. en su blog Inteligencia Viajera ( en donde te dice cómo hacer un blog de viajes. 

La realidad en nuestra actualidad cibernética, es que ya todo está escrito, investigado y publicado; so es aquí en donde entra en juego tu creatividad para poder crear un nuevo (e innovador) enfoque acerca de lo que te interesa compartir con las personas; y esto realmente aplica para todos los casos! Si eres un atleta y quieres ser el mejor, debes aprender de los mejores, para perfeccionar tu técnica, para aprender de sus errores y no cometerlos tú, para estudiar sus estrategias y mejorarlas con tus propias habilidades. 

A veces crees tener una excelente idea y te das cuenta que ya existen cientos, o quizá miles de personas que han escrito, o de alguna otra forma, "hablado" sobre aquella misma cosa que a ti te interesa compartir desde tu propia experiencia. 
Pero no por eso debes desilusionarte, cambiar de opinión o darte por vencido, pues aunque ya hayan sido plasmados más de 100 artículos hablando sobre el mismo tema que tienes en mente, tú puedes ser el número 101 que marque la diferencia. Porque tienes un estilo único y diferente de decir, escribir, redactar o contar una historia, una idea, un pensamiento o de o que te venga en gana compartir con la sociedad.

La frase es clara: A la gente NO le interesa tu vida, le interesa resolver sus problemas.
¿Qué es lo que tienes que aportar a la sociedad para poder ayudar a alguien? 
Todo es recíproco. En cuanto comienzas a enfocar tus conocimientos y tus talentos para ayudar a una persona, ella misma comienza a interesarse en quién eres y cómo has llegado al punto en donde te encuentras, vaya, cuál es tu historia!

Que el trabajo de otros te ayude a tener una idea más clara sobre lo que tú quieres expresar y compartir. No se trata de copiar, se trata de aprender. No podemos hablar sobre aquello de lo que no tenemos experiencia, porque vamos a errar. 

Recuerda que es muy diferente SABER a CREER SABER. En la primera, estamos seguros de lo que hacemos porque lo hemos vivido en primera persona, tenemos algún tipo de contacto o experiencia que nos ha dado el derecho de hablar sobre ello y tener argumentos y justificaciones que respalden lo que decimos. En la segunda, creemos saber simplemente porque conocemos del tema; alguien nos contó o algún amigo o familiar cercano nos aseguró que le pasó y por eso lo creemos, pero no nos ha pasado a nosotros y por ende, existe la duda.

No se trata de estar en competencia, no se trata de compararte. Porque de la única persona con la que debes competir y compararte, es ontigo mismo. Con tu yo de hace cinco años, del años pasado, de hace 2 meses, de ayer. Con el único que debes competir es con el miedo. Con tu miedo. Con tu miedo de equivocarte, de tropezar, de caer, de fracasar. No hay mayor rival en esta vida, que tú mismo. Tus propios miedos e inseguridades. Porque si no caemos, si no nos equivocamos, ¡no aprendemos!

Nunca te arrepientas de ningún día de tu vida: los días buenos dan felicidad, los días malos dan experiencia, los peores nos dan las más grandes lecciones, y los mejores dan las más dulces memorias.

Así que sal de tu zona de confort y comienza a trabajar en aquello que realmente quieres, aquello que has puesto en pausa o postergado por cualquier tipo de excusa que te hayas inventado sin saber. - "no tengo tiempo, no estoy preparado(a), necesito más recursos, no sé lo suficiente, no es el momento apropiado, necesito realizar otras cosas primero, quizá no es tan importante".

Nunca es realmente el tiempo perfecto para hacer algo. Es como planear tener un hijo. ¿Cómo saber si estás preparado para ello? ¿Cómo saber cuándo es el momento indicado? La respuesta es que en realidad nunca vas a estar 100% preparado, necesitas hacer las cosas sí o si.
Necesitas aventarte a la piscina e iniciar con el braceo y pataleo para conocer en carne propia si eres capaz, o no, de nadar. Y créeme, si te lanzas así al "rojo vivo", ten por seguro que no te hundes, quizá sientas que así sea al principio, pero al final siempre logras hacerlo si estás determinado a triunfar.

¡Aviéntate pues! Porque si nunca lo intentas, nunca sabrás si funciona. Así que inspírate de los grandes, se vale; y es como obtienes una idea más clara de cómo, en dónde y en qué momento hacer las cosas... ¡Que el trabajo de otros te motive a hacer el tuyo, mejor!

lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

Mi historia de viajes

Escrito el 29 de Diciembre de 2017

Mi historia de viajes comenzó desde que tenía apenas 10 meses de vida, cuando mi madre decidió mudarse de mi lugar de nacimiento, Guadalajara, a la metrópolis de crecimiento económico allá por la década de los 90, Cancún (México).

He viajado toda mi vida. Cada año mis padres organizaban un viaje (por la fecha de mi cumpleaños en Septiembre), a cualquier parte del mundo. Recorrimos gran parte del continente Europeo y 2 años seguidos nos fuimos a las lejanas tierras de Oriente.
Crecí con la errónea idea de que éramos ricos (de dinero). Pero la realidad fue que mis padres tenían trabajos que los colocaban en posiciones favorables para viajar (mi mamá en aviación, mi papá en hotelería). 

Aunque disfruté mucho de los viajes y la mayoría de mis memorias de la infancia rondan por éstas anécdotas viajeras; nunca hice conciencia de lo que estaba viviendo y de verdaderamente disfrutar el viaje en su totalidad, incluyendo la historia, la cultura y tradiciones de los diferentes lugares que visité. 

Tampoco recuerdo muchas cosas en concreto y ciertamente no aprendí mucho sobre la nobleza y la belleza que me rodeaba, sobre la humildad y la capacidad de sorprenderme. Daba todo por hecho y no llegué a reconocer la importancia de viajar tal y como ahora estoy tratando de hacerlo. 

Llevo una vida totalmente nómada después de que me gradué de la Universidad y comencé a trabajar a tiempo completo, dándome cuenta que esa vida no me llenaba y realmente no estaba cumpliendo con mi llamado.
Todos tenemos un llamado; un propósito de vida que, de no estarlo cumpliendo, nos condenamos a una atrocidad llamada “suicidio espiritual”. 

Desde hace un año, estoy viajando, no para conocer el mundo, sino para conocerme más a mí misma.
Sigue mis viajes y aventuras y descubre conmigo, la maravilla de estar en ruta. Porque lo importante no es el destino, sino disfrutar del camino.

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Problemas en la Actualidad. Iniciativa por un Mundo Mejor

La vida no se ha hecho para comprenderla, sino para vivirla
Jorge Santayana (1863-1952)
Filósofo y escritor español

En la actualidad se presentan problemas económicos y sociales bastantes significativos en el mundo; hemos llegado a un punto en el que las desigualdades económicas entre países se pueden ver  claramente, ya que mientras en unos países la calidad de vida de sus habitantes es alta, hablando en términos per cápita; en otros se puede decir que llevan una vida miserable, por esto es importante resaltar los problemas que se están presentando y tratar de darles soluciones a esto; podríamos empezar mencionando asuntos como:
  1. El desequilibrio que se presenta en la competencia entre países.
  2. Los altos índices de corrupción.
  3. El desaprovechamiento de los recursos naturales.
En lo que se refiere a la primera problemática se podría empezar hablando de la gran diferencia que hay entre los mercados de los países ricos y los países pobres, ya que los países desarrollados son dueños de los medios de producción y tienen el dinero necesario para llevar una economía sostenible, mientras que los países en desarrollo dependen de éstos en cuanto a su dinero e incluso su maquinaria e insumos; asimismo los países desarrollados son los que fijan las políticas por las cuales se rigen los mercados globales, sin que se tengan en cuenta las conveniencias de los países en vías de desarrollo.

Desde otro punto de vista los presentados como problemas no tienen realmente esta categoría sino que son obstáculos que se deben a la falta de emprendimiento,  falta de ideas de superación, falta de organización y el miedo para asumir los retos de la economía globalizada por parte de los países llamados “tercermundistas”.
De todas formas se podría poner como meta una competencia justa donde todos los países tengan las mismas oportunidades de competencia en el mercado y para ello se podría proponer que en la adopción de las políticas de los organismos internacionales tales como el FMI que rigen el mercado internacional participen también los países en vías de desarrollo; que el valor de la moneda que figura como unidad de cambio internacional sea diferente teniendo en cuenta si el país es rico o pobre, equilibrar el mercado, en cuanto a que los países desarrollados no fijen impuestos tan altos hacia los países pobres para que puedan lograr un desarrollo más significativo.

Ahora hablemos del segundo problema, los altos índices de corrupción, el cual  siempre ha existido y es uno de los más difíciles de solucionar pues cada persona trata de sacar siempre ventaja de las actividades que realiza, por lo tanto siempre se van a ver fraudes en cuanto a dinero, la ayuda a grupos ilegales y múltiples situaciones, no permiten que este problema tenga una solución, considerando también que esto no solo afecta la economía del país, sino que provoca violencia y viola muchos de los derecho humanos de la gente que lo habita.
Se puede plantear una solución como elegir a conciencia a nuestros representantes, pero para concientizar a todo un país de ello es casi imposible, empezando porque en los países pobres la mayoría de la gente con tal de poder subsanar las grandes necesidades que tienen aunque sea por un momento venden su voto, así el dinero sirva solo en una forma momentánea.
A los políticos no les conviene mucho que la gente esté educada; ya que siempre tratan de mantener a la sociedad en la ignorancia para lograr lo que ellos quieren, para  lograr una autonomía omnipotente sobre las personas y  guiarlas bajo un régimen de autoritarismo y poder.
Pasando al problema del desaprovechamiento de los recursos naturales podríamos empezar expresando que en muchos países en desarrollo hay recursos desaprovechados; porque o se malgastan y se utilizan de una mala manera o se permite que los países desarrollados los cojan por cuenta de ellos y obtengan la mayoría de las ganancias; esto se debe a que los países pobres pueden tener los recursos pero no los saben utilizar o no tienen el desarrollo industrial para sacarles un buen provecho, una posible solución para este problema sería el de ahorrar, pensar en futuras generaciones y no malgastar estos recursos, claro que como ya se ha dicho antes concientizar a todo un país o a varios es muy difícil, también se podrían crear leyes apoyando la conservación de los recursos dentro del mismo país o apoyar mecanismos donde se dé un aprovechamiento adecuado de estos recursos, o si es fuera de él, que las ganancias y el desarrollo que se genere debido a los ya mencionados recursos; sea igual para el país que los posee y para el país que los compra.
Estos principales problemas se ven extendidos a lo largo del mundo y de la sociedad, teniendo en cuenta todo lo mencionado anteriormente se puede tomar conciencia  e informarse de los aspectos negativos sobresalientes a fin de superar los errores en los que se ha caído a lo largo de los años.
Quiero ser conferencista, quiero ser brigadista, quiero apoyar a la sociedad, quiero ser hija del mundo y hermana de todos, quiero contribuir con mi Planeta, reconocer los errores humanos como colectividad social y aportar con mis conocimientos, deseos e influencia para la mejoría de la conciencia mundial. Quiero un mundo mejor y el proceso para lograrlo empieza conmigo y con todos. Influyamos siempre de manera positiva a las personas para crear lazos de unión que nos ayuden a todos a mejorar los problemas sociales.

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Tom Hanks (Character Essay)

Thomas Jeffrey Hanks (Tom Hanks) is my favorite filmmaker. The man is a genius!  He not only plays the role of an actor, but also a producer, director and writer. He has worked with other famous and high standard people, such as the great film director Steven Spielberg on the movie “Saving Private Ryan” (1998).
Tom Hanks was born on July 9, 1956 in Concord, California, USA. He grew up in what he calls a “fractured family” His parents were pioneers in the development of marriage dissolution law in that state, and Tom moved around a lot, living with a succession of step-families, making him grew up on a confusing childhood. He started his acting career when he was at College, even when no one thought he was talented, because he got rejected from two different plays on his school. One day he went downtown and auditioned for a community theater play and was invited by the director of that play to go to Cleveland, and there his acting career started. He rose from the star of the cult comedy series "Bosom Buddies" (ABC, 1980-82) to become a respected Academy Award-winning actor and Emmy-winning producer.
Hanks made his name with “Big (1988), opening the doors to eventual back-to-back Oscar glory with "Philadelphia" (1993) and "Forrest Gump" (1994). He also made international blockbusters like “The Terminal” (2004), and "The Da Vinci Code" (2006), which this last one reaffirmed his place as one of the most respected actors of the century.
The movies I watched were: “Big, Forrest Gump, and The Terminal”. I wanted to watch them in the order they were created so I could have a comparison between one and the other. What I realized is that Tom Hanks is really a great actor, because he can play diverse roles without losing track of his characteristics.
I’ll start firs with the movie BIG: Big is a 1988 American fantasy comedy film, directed by Penny Marshall, and stars Tom Hanks as Josh Baskin, a young boy who makes a wish "to be big" and is then aged to adulthood overnight. (1)
I loved to see Tom Hanks in such a young age; he looked handsome and full of energy during this movie. I really appreciated the fact that this kid, when he becomes an adult; he starts to forget his life as a kid and little by little, feels like an adult in real life. Especially with the new girlfriend he got. But even when he was truly enjoying his life as an adult (because he wasn’t focusing on all typical adult problems or stress, he was just being himself and thinking life is really easy and enjoyable); he started to miss his past life, being a kid: Something wonderful that most of all sometimes missed the most from our lives. So I loved the fact that he decided to go back and face his present stage of age: Childhood!
Then it come FORREST GUMP: Forrest Gump is a 1994 American epic romantic comedy-drama film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston Groom. The film was directed by Robert Zemeckis and starred Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise and Sally Field. The story depicts several decades in the life of Forrest Gump, a naïve and slow-witted yet athletically prodigious native of Alabama who witnesses, and in some cases influences, some of the defining events of the latter half of the 20th century in the United States; more specifically, the period between Forrest's birth in 1944 and 1982. (2)
I was thrilled by this movie! I was simply amazed; not only by the whole story, but also by how Tom Hanks managed to act the way he did, as a “naïve and slow-witted guy”. The message that you can find in this movie is (at least for me). Similar to what Big gives you: Enjoy life and stop having worries! I found some similarities between these two movies. The fact that the main character (Our lovely Tom Hanks), is a man with no worries in life, and because of that, everything is given to him without doubts or difficulties. I think that the hardest we make our own existence, is in fact how’s it going to be if we don’t change our points of view.  This is a really long movie, but really touching and self-spiritual revealing. I loved the “love-twist” between Forrest Gump and Jenny (played by Robin Wright).
Now we have THE TERMINAL: The Terminal is a 2004 American comedy-drama film directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones. It is about a man who becomes trapped in New York City's JFK International Airport terminal when he is denied entry into the United States and at the same time cannot return to his native country due to a revolution. The film is partially inspired by the 17-year-stay of Mehran Karimi Nasseri in the Charles de Gaulle International Airport, Terminal I in Paris, France from 1988 to 2006. (3)
This movie for me was deeply touching. I could definitely felt empathy for Viktor Navorszki (The main character played by Tom Hanks), and the way he was unable to return to his country or even leaved the airport. Then again we have a touch of innocence in this character given by the fact that he can’t speak or neither understands English and there’s not a translator for him in that situation, which I personally found this to be a little lame… I mean, being the US and in that main circumstance, they could’ve just got someone to translate to him… But then again, is just a movie! Either way, I felt sorry for him the entire music and I was really happy when he could finally go out of the airport to fulfill his father’s last will. In this movie we can also find the “love-twist” that they’ve all had. Here we have again a man, a girl, a drama story and a love-style in the middle of all that. This wasn’t my favorite movie of them all, but it was a really good one (especially the facts that they were able to film in one location for the most part of the movie and still not make it being something boring)…
I wrote about those movies mainly because I wanted to see something new, (even knowing they were good movies), I never had the chance to watch them before (except Forrest Gump, but I haven’t had the chance to finished that movie yet). I won’t say that TOM HANKS is the best actor ever, but I can tell my friend Denise has good tastes when it comes to filmmakers! J

The Vexed Platypus (Kids Shortfilm Synopsis)

KNORR is a young platypus that has not encountered his ancestral origins. He’s confused and overwhelmed, he’d become vexed and curmudgeon. One day, while he was near the Sprig River, he saw an old armadillo flipped face-up, dying, incapable of moving and gasping for help. Knorr ignored him; he was selfish and careless about other animal’s problems. He stared for a while to that moribund animal but did nothing, until he died. When he approached him, the armadillo was vanishing in front of his eyes, full of lights and lifting through the air magically. Knorr was confused and scared when the armadillo’s spirit talked to him “My name is DILL, and I’m a native guru. You haven’t helped me to avoid death so now you’re cursed by the ancestors. If you want to avoid this curse, you will need to travel through the forest and climb up the Sprung Mountains to discover the cure of this damnation”.
Knorr then starts a life-changing journey that would reveal not only the cure for this curse, but also who he really is and why he has this vexed attitude towards life and everyone. Along the trip, comes XOLY, a young and charming xoloesquincle girl that is lost in the forest and lonely because all animals think she’s so ugly, she doesn’t deserve to live among everyone else. Xoly will teach Knorr a lesson about self-confidence, friendship, overcome adversity and the path of self-identity. Knorr will start to fall in love with her as their friendship grows stronger along the trip.
An adventurous journey full of surprises and obstacles that they will overcome learning one from another, with predators rounding them and a treacherous snake named ZORATH that will try to corrupt their friendship and losing them on the way, they will soon learn that love, confidence and self-esteem are the most powerful values of life and that they have the tools to change their destinies.

Mrs. Miniver (William Wyler 1942) Movie Essay

20th Century Film History / SFUAD Fall 2013 / Midterm Film Review Form
1.    Mrs. Miniver / William Wyler / British / 1942 / Dramatic Film:

Storyline: Mrs. Miniver is an English "middle-class" British housewife that experience life in the first months of World War II. The film shows how the life of this woman in rural England is touched by an historical world movement, - (Michael Rice), she sees her oldest son go to war and deals with the death of her daughter-in-law while struggling to keep her family together and her two little children safe.
Direction: I love how William Wyler decided to put a lot of wide and long shots into the frame, because the audience can truly connect with all of what’s going on into every moment of the film, leading us to choose what to see and decide what exact detail we can focus on. This gives a powerful enhancement for the audience itself and takes away the “close-and-prisoned” feeling that different shots and angles can have. He made “simple” choices of camera settings and movements for us to convey on a better and fulfilling experience, connecting from time to time with the actor’s feelings and points of view.
Acting: I love Greer Garson’s performance! And who wouldn’t if she was one of MGM’s major stars of the 1940s. And I think I’m not the only one who was enchanted by her acting; because if she received seven Academy Award nominations and won Best Actress award with this film (Mrs. Miniver) that means everybody that saw the movie was absolutely thrilled with the way she got into character. I think all the cast members were fantastic in the developing of their own role, but the one I love the most was of little Toby. Oh! The way he talked and the way he said the exact proper lines just to give to the audience a bit of tenderness and relaxation. I just loved that!
Camera: I love the continuity of the angles in every frame. The decision of having wide shots most of the time is something that can be lost now days; even if the movie has some close ups, over the shoulder and birth eye shots, most of the times, they decided to continue with wide and long shots, which was a powerful decision due to the impact of its surrender. I mean; you can really connect with all of what’s going on at every moment when they show you not only what they want you to focus on, but also the exterior details of the soldiers running, or Toby and Judy’s expressions and behavior in the car scene and much more. They allowed the audience to focus on any specific detail and context that surrounded that moment of the story. I think that was really powerful and it really make people connect with the environment of the characters, feeling closer to each one.
Editing: For the edition part, I think that sometimes they left more of something than actually needed. I mean, the shots were amazingly well done as well as of the decision of each frame, but sometimes it could get a little “boring” when leading to the continuity of each sequence. They give us more than needed from time to time. But it’s also part of the sequence they were planning and the execution of having more symbolic aspects about the war and all of what was going on during that time. For example, the scene in which Mrs. Miniver sees the wounded German pilot hiding in her garden. They had to re-shoot that scene just to show the impact and real meaning of the Germany power at that time and the influence of that to people. Rather than that I think all the sequence where in perfect order for me.
Sound: The sound needed a little more of high quality for my opinion; but then again, we are talking about the 1940s, so actually the sound is really accurate for the movie’s time and it release. I liked the effects they put when the airplane crashed on the forest where Mrs. Miniver and her daughter in-law were hiding inside on the car. The sound and visual effects of that crash was amazing! Also the sound effects in where they are hiding inside the bomb shelter outside of their house. When Clem, Kay, Toby and Judy are frightened about the bombs in the outside and Mr. and Mrs. Miniver try to calm the children due to the “exterior noises”. Those sound effects were amazingly terrifying, powerful and touching.
Music: The music elements that can be found in Mrs. Miniver are soft, melodically and highly emotional. I like the choice of using Dexter Gordon’s musical pieces such as the sax, piano, etc. I love the enhancement of its musical pieces in every aspect of the movie, because on the most exciting parts, they definitely drag you to that specific moment. Sometimes I wonder if they just chose some musical piece and it fits perfectly well just by “coincidence” or if they really create the music to fit specifically into the movie at the right moments.
Did you like/Dislike this Film? Why?
I never thought I’d love a black and white movie before, but I have to say that Mrs. Miniver just blew my mind away. I loved the story itself as well as most of the cinematographic composition of the frames. I cried at the end when Mrs. Beldon stands up by herself at the destroyed church and then Vin joins her in singing. I also got a little teary when they show that empty seat next to the choir boys. And that incredible speech that the priest gave at the end before the combat airplanes get into the sky was just absolutely magnificent.
What other films does it remind you of and why?
This movie reminds me a lot of Gone with the Wind. Because in some ways it is also a “love story” and it involves war (maybe a different type of war and in a different frame of time); but for some reason it drove me right back to the movie Gone with the Wind which shows Scarlett O’Hara being in profound love with Ashley Wilkes while struggling with the fact that he has to go to war, and I compare that to where Vin falls in love with Carol Beldon but he has to go to war as well.
What, if any, is the statement or intent of this film?
In 2009, the film was named to the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for being "culturally, historically or aesthetically" significant and will be preserved for all time. -  The New York Times. February 16, 2013.
A lot of scenes were re-written to reflect the increasing “pro-British and anti-German” outlook for Americans. I read that in the scene in which Mrs. Miniver confronts a wounded German flyer in her garden was made more confrontational with each new version of the script. It was initially filmed before the December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor that brought USA into the war, but after the attack, the scene was filmed again to reflect the tough and new spirit of a nation at war.
Wilcoxon and director William Wyler "wrote and re-wrote" the key sermon the night before the sequence was to be shot. The speech "made such an impact that it was used in essence by President Roosevelt as a morale builder and part of it was the basis for leaflets printed in various languages and dropped over enemy and occupied territory." Roosevelt ordered it rushed to the theaters for propaganda purposes - Henry Wilcoxon in Peter Harris (ed.) The New Captain George’s Whizzbang #13 (1971), p. 5
“We in this quiet corner of England have suffered the loss of friends very dear to us, some close to this church. George West. James Ballard, stationmaster and bell-ringer, and the proud winner only an hour before his death of the Beldon Cup for his beautiful Miniver Rose. And our hearts go out in sympathy to the two families who share the cruel loss of a young girl who was married at this altar only two weeks ago. The homes of many of us have been destroyed, and the lives of young and old have been taken. There's scarcely a household that hasn't been struck to the heart. And why? Surely you must have asked yourselves this question? Why in all conscience should these be the ones to suffer? Children, old people, a young girl at the height of her loveliness? Why these? Are these our soldiers? Are these our fighters? Why should they be sacrificed?
I shall tell you why. Because this is not only a war of soldiers in uniform; it is the war of the people, of all the people. And it must be fought not only on the battlefield but in the cities and in the villages, in the factories and on the farms, in the home and in the heart of every man, woman and child who loves freedom. Well, we have buried our dead, but we shall not forget them. Instead they will inspire us with an unbreakable determination to free ourselves, and those who come after us, from the tyranny and terror that threaten to strike us down. This is the People's War. It is our war. We are the fighters. Fight it then. Fight it with all that is in us. And may God defend the right”. – Mrs. Miniver (1942) Retrieved 2008-10-08.
Does this film make any commentary or offer contributions to these categories:
1.   Cultural: The culture itself started to change not only because of the changes that people went through during that specific period of time, but also we can see (in the movie itself), how things were leading to different aspects, like the educational formation that Vin had and the way he expressed himself in front of Carol and his parents. 
2.   Social: I think the movie made people think about what was going on during that time, especially with all that social and political movements occurring during the shooting of the film. The audience could relate to the relationships that the characters were having.
3.   Political: Well, as already explained above, President Roosevelt used the speech from the movie (at the ending part) for one of his political movements and to make propaganda of it as well. That is a great political impact! As well as of the part of showing the wounded German pilot (in where at that time, Americans were “anti-Germans”.
4.    Cinema: In 2006, the film was ranked number 40 on the American Film Institute’s list celebrating the most inspirational films of all time. The film was selected for the following reasons:
“This remarkably touching wartime melodrama pictorializes the classic British stiff upper lip and the courage of a middle class English family (headed by Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon) amid the chaos of air raids and family loss. The film's iconic tribute to the sacrifices on the home front, as movingly directed by William Wyler, did much to rally America’s support for its British allies” – Library of Congress. December 30, 2009. Retrieved February 16, 2013.
How do the various cinematic elements enhance the story or its intent?
I think everything was well composed in order to create this master piece. All the cinematic elements and the aesthetical compositions of each frame arranged an essential and well-done point of view for any filmmaker. The lighting, the depth, lines, contour, contrast, repetition, settings, camera movement, direction, actors, technical aspects; even the script itself! They all formed a powerful balance connection between one and another to work together in the creation of this magnificent movie. I really, not only enjoyed it, but also loved it! Along with some “oldies”, this is one of my very favorites!
3 Observations/comments/questions for class discussion:
I’d love to have a 5 minutes criticism comments from my classmates and to have just a general opinion after every movie we watch in class.
I’d love to have “any type of homework” after each movie… Like writing a paragraph or even a quarter of page about our comments of the movie seeing every class, that way we can all participate with the class itself and some students will have to “not fall asleep” during the movies or even “don’t dismiss class”.
I’d LOVE to watch more recent and commercial movies if possible, so they can be enjoyable for our “range of age”.   :D

¡Que el trabajo de otros te motive a hacer el tuyo, mejor!

"A la gente no le interesa tu vida, le interesa resolver sus problemas"   Esa frase fue el parteaguas que me ayudó a en...